
Zoom Meetup: The Jewish Journey Haggadah with Rabbanit Dr. Adena Berkowitz

March 18, 2021    
8:30 pm

Join Rabbi Binyomin Silver to discuss Dr. Berkowitz’s new Haggadah, The Jewish Journey Haggadah.

The Haggadah is available on Amazon but Dr. Berkowitz can provide copies at a discount and personally sign them. She will drop them off at the shul for people who have paid or they can pick it up from her directly. It retails for $29.99 but for YILB members it its only $25.00. If one prefers, it can be ordered directly on Amazon.

About Rabbanit Dr. Adena K. Berkowitz

Rabbanit Dr. Adena K. Berkowitz is a Scholar in Residence of Kol HaNeshamah NYC, an organization dedicated to reenergizing the spiritual lives of both not-yet affiliated and affiliated Jews; and Senior Educator at the Manhattan Jewish Experience. With a background in law, Jewish studies, and psychotherapy, Rabbanit Berkowitz is the author of the best-selling The Jewish Journey Haggadah and co-author of Shaarei Simcha: Gates of Joy, a mini prayer book and the first liturgical work in the modern era written by Orthodox women. A practicing therapist, she lives in New York with her husband Rabbi Zev Brenner and children Menachem Lieb, Lizzy (and husband Sam Zakay), Pammy, Aderet and Jessica Brenner.