
Seats for Yomim Noraim 5784/2023

Yomim Noraim Seating 2023

"*" indicates required fields

Rosh Hashana Reservations

If none, type 0
If none, type 0
Please let us know how many babysitting slots you require for RH.

Yom Kippur Reservations

If none, type 0
If none, type 0
Please let us know how many babysitting slots you require for YK.

Pricing & Submit Form

Yomim Noraim seating is included in membership for members and all immediate family. Pricing below is for non- members only. Please add up the total owed and type it into the Total Price below.
If none, write 0. Note: Price includes a seat for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
Please indicate your seating preferences. We will do our best to accommodate.



(Make sure to note that the payment is for Yomim Noraim seating)